Absolute Data Destruction Inc. specializes in the secure and certified destruction of digital data devices such as hard drives, tapes and other digital media. Absolute Data Destruction’s sole purpose is to facilitate the permanent destruction of personal and corporate data devices using a “zero landfill” shredding process. read more
was designed to fill the most urgent need identified by clients of the Data Destruction industry, SECURITY. We believe the most vulnerable area is during the time that your data storage devices are being trans read more
Important Information about Secure Data Destruction
NAID Canadamakes the vital point that every organization has information that requires secure destruction
Ann Cavoukian Ph.D. Information and privacy commissioner
( Order HO-001)
Recycling is not viewed as an adequate alternative to shredding!
Ann Cavoukian Ph.D. Information and privacy commissioner
( Order HO-001)
To guarantee the protection of personal health information, THE INFORMATION MUST BE PHYSICALLY DESTROYEDin an irreversible manner prior to being disposed of, sold or recycled. To ensure that information is properly disposed of, recognized standards and practices for the physical destruction of information must be followed.
Ann Cavoukian Ph.D. Information and privacy commissioner
( Order HO-001)
Any public body or private business which collects, retains, uses or discloses personal information must take the security measures required to preserve the confidential nature of this information.GUIDE TO THE DESTRUCTION OF DOCUMENTS THAT CONTAIN PERSONAL INFORMATION. download a copy of secure destruction of Personal Information
Corporations are becoming increasingly concerned as to how to protect their confidential data from unauthorized and/or fraudulent access especially when it comes to disposing of their redundant computer equipment. read more
Corporate Client Services
The risk of releasing confidential data to the public, or disposing of technology in a manner not environmentally sound is so great, that corporations find themselves in a legal dilemma. read more